Information Gathering Methods

1.Information Gathering on Websites

 ·        Gathering information about Instagram (website).

 Checking whether the website is active using command (Ping) .


Website is Responding, Website is active.


Finding IP Address of the website. Using command ( nslookup ).

   Got IPv4 and IPv6 of website.

Checking nodes that packet travels to reach the final destination . Using command in cmd (tracert).

·        It reach final destination .

·        Seven(7) packet travels to reach final destination.


Gathering more information of IP Address or website using website ( (Instagram).

·        IPv4 -                                                     

·        IPv6 -  2a03:2880:f2ff:e0:face:b00c:0:4420

·        Domain name –

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


Gathering more information of website using this website (





Gathering more information of website using this website (shodan).

Total 2,950 server are using for this website.(Instagram)


This website server are located in 5 countries.


·        Hong Kong              - 1,494

·        United state             - 337

·        Russian federation  - 211

·        Germany                 - 127

·        Brazil­                       - 108


Gathering more information of website using this website (

·        Owners of this Hosting Servers .

·        Number of servers of website owner.

·        DNS servers website uses.

·        Servers domain name.

·        Servers IPv4 address.


Full Map of  the domain website in graph  


·        Gathering more information of website using this website (nmap).

Open ports -5 ports

·        ftp

·        http

·        rtsp

·        pptp

Closed port – 2 ports

·        unknown

·        xmpp-client
